10 ways to feed your brain
Load up on 10 of the best (and most delicious) foods that will keep your mind razor sharp, your mood better and your focus fired-up.
- Asparagus- it is loaded with mood-boosting folate
- Avocados- contains loads of vitamin E which protects your brain from Alzheimer’s disease, and research indicates getting it from your food is better than supplements
- Beetroot- this depression fighting root vegetable brings loads of vitamin B to the table, helping your brain quickly process data and remember better
- Berries- antioxidant and phytochemical loaded berries improve memory and also help get rid of environmental chemicals/toxins
- Turmeric- potent anti-inflammatory ingredient that helps clear plaque proteins that cause Alzheimer’s disease
- Dark chocolate- cacoa flavonoids improve brain function and memory
- Eggs- contains choline which improves your memory
- Fatty fish- loaded with omega 3- DHA which is vital in transmitting better signals between brain cells
- Oatmeal- provides energy your brain needs to work and concentrate
- Peppermint- acts like a natural stimulant by increasing alertness and memory function
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